Les navires de plaisance ont \u00e9t\u00e9 identifi\u00e9s et recens\u00e9s dans les eaux de la Polyn\u00e9sie fran\u00e7aise durant la p\u00e9riode de confinement. Ces navires de plaisance ont \u00e9t\u00e9 identifi\u00e9s parce qu\u2019ils \u00e9taient d\u00e9j\u00e0 entr\u00e9s dans les eaux polyn\u00e9siennes ou qu\u2019ils se dirigeaient vers la Polyn\u00e9sie fran\u00e7aise au moment de l\u2019annonce du confinement et de l\u2019interdiction de naviguer. Cette liste n\u2019est pas exhaustive. les plaisanciers sont invit\u00e9s \u00e0 communiquer \u00e0 la DPAM les erreurs qui pourraient y figurer et les corrections qu\u2019ils seraient susceptibles de souhaiter.<\/p>\n
Figurent sur cette liste :<\/p>\n
- \n
- le nom du navire,<\/li>\n
- la nationalit\u00e9 de son pavillon,<\/li>\n
- son immatriculation, le cas \u00e9ch\u00e9ant,<\/li>\n
- le nombre de personnes \u00e0 bord,<\/li>\n
- sa p\u00e9riode de quarantaine, le cas \u00e9ch\u00e9ant,<\/li>\n
- le port de base ou dernier port de mouillage connu \u00e0 la date du 20 mai 2020, veille de la lev\u00e9e du d\u00e9confinement sur l\u2019ensemble du territoire polyn\u00e9sien.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
Les navires ont \u00e9t\u00e9 invit\u00e9s par le pr\u00e9sident \u00e0 lib\u00e9rer les mouillages d\u2019accueil o\u00f9 ils sont en surnombre et \u00e0 reprendre leur voyage dans les eaux polyn\u00e9siennes d\u00e8s le 21 mai 2020 (lev\u00e9e du confinement pour le 21 mai 2020<\/a><\/strong>), les eaux internationales n\u2019\u00e9tant pas encore ouvertes \u00e0 la navigation. Cette liste permet d\u2019identifier les navires qui seraient arriv\u00e9s dans les eaux de la Polyn\u00e9sie fran\u00e7aise apr\u00e8s la lev\u00e9e du confinement. Elle permet aussi d\u2019\u00e9viter les conflits qui pourraient survenir dans les \u00eeles avec des navires qui viendraient y mouiller apr\u00e8s la lev\u00e9e du confinement en les confondant pas avec de nouveaux arrivants.<\/p>\n
Autorisation d\u2019entr\u00e9e et de sortie des eaux polyn\u00e9siennes sur d\u00e9rogation<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\n
A ce jour les eaux de la Polyn\u00e9sie fran\u00e7aise restent interdites, sauf d\u00e9rogation expresse, \u00e0 toutes nouvelles entr\u00e9es par la voie maritime, la navigation internationale restant interdites. Pour solliciter une d\u00e9rogation, il convient de remplir le formulaire ci-dessous et de l\u2019adresser au SAM, Service des Affaires Maritimes de l\u2019Etat. De m\u00eame, toute sortie des eaux de la Polyn\u00e9sie fran\u00e7aise doit faire l\u2019objet d\u2019une demande sp\u00e9cifique en remplissant le formulaire indiqu\u00e9 ci-dessous.<\/p>\n
Pour toute observation ou pr\u00e9cision, \u00e9crire \u00e0 la DPAM : accueil.dpam@maritime.gov.pf<\/a> ou \u00e0 nautisme.dpam@maritime.gov.pf<\/a>
\n<\/strong><\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div>List of pleasure craft identified during the containment period<\/strong><\/h2>\n
Below is a list of pleasure craft that have been identified and listed in French Polynesia waters during the containment period. These pleasure craft were identified because they had already entered Polynesian waters or were heading for French Polynesia at the time of the announcement of the containment and the prohibition to sail. This list is not exhaustive and is published for information only. Yachtsmen are invited to communicate to the DPAM any errors which may appear therein and any corrections they may wish to make.<\/p>\n
Listed on this list:<\/p>\n
- \n
- the name of the vessel,<\/li>\n
- the nationality of its flag,<\/li>\n
- its registration, if applicable,<\/li>\n
- the number of people on board,<\/li>\n
- his quarantine period, if applicable,<\/li>\n
- the base port or last known anchorage port on May 20, 2020, the day before the lifting of the deconfinement across Polynesian territory.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
The ships have been invited by the President to release the host moorings where they are in excess and to resume their voyage in Polynesian waters from May 21, 2020, international waters do not not yet open to navigation. This list makes it possible to identify the ships which would have arrived in the waters of French Polynesia after the lifting of the containment. It also makes it possible to avoid conflicts which could arise in the islands with ships which would come to anchor there after the lifting of the containment by not confusing them with new arrivals.<\/p>\n
Authorization to enter and exit Polynesian waters with an exemption<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\n
To date, the waters of French Polynesia remain prohibited, unless expressly waived, for any new entry by sea, international navigation remaining prohibited. To request a waiver, please fill out the form below and send it to the SAM, State Maritime Affairs Service. Similarly, any exit from the waters of French Polynesia must be the subject of a specific request by filling out the form indicated below.<\/p>\n
For any comments or clarification, write to the DPAM: accueil.dpam@maritime.gov.pf<\/a> or nautisme.dpam@maritime.gov.pf<\/a>